Athens Day 1: Plaka

I got to my hotel a bit before 5 pm, and even though I got no sleep on the plane, I headed right back out to walk around the city a bit. I mainly walked around Plaka, which is one of the old sections of town. I have decided it is not possible to see Athens without getting lost in Athens, or at least in Plaka. I thought Boston had crazy streets, but I don’t even know what was going on in Plaka. Luckily there are monuments or ruins every other block. I would get lost every third block or so because I could never figure out what street I was on, but I only had to walk a few blocks before running into another ruin or monument, so I could quickly figure out in general where I was again using a tourist map. To a certain extent, I was just looking around buildings to find where the Acropolis was, and then used that to navigate directionally. Also, the sidewalks are tiny, so people walk on the streets, but the scooters also drive on the sidewalks, so that seems fair. Cars also drove down alleys that it was not clear to me were actually streets, but evidently they were. I already love this city though. I got lost, but it is just a glorious city in which to get lost.

Aghia Dynamis, a 16th Century Chapel that they evidently just built a high rise around

Aghia Dynamis, a 16th Century Chapel that they evidently just built a high rise around

Monument of Lysikrates

Monument of Lysikrates

Parliament, with police dressed in riot gear walking in front

Parliament, with police dressed in riot gear walking in front

Narrow streets of Plaka

Narrow streets of Plaka

Vine covered bridge across buildings

Vine covered bridge across buildings

One Reply to “Athens Day 1: Plaka”

  1. What an amazing adventure!! And I do exactly the same thing – arrive at my hotel exhausted and then immediately set out again to explore. I hope you guys have a blast! đŸ™‚