New Year’s Resolution: Less Stuff

I have moved three times as an adult. The first time my new employer payed for me to move. Nicely, this included two stops, so they picked up my stuff at my mom’s house in Houston, then my stuff in my apartment in College Station where I had been pursuing my Master’s, and then moved everything to Austin. The next two times I moved, I paid. The first was to North Carolina where I was going back to school to earn my Doctorate. The final time I have moved, it was from North Carolina to Virginia to start my new career. My new employer did not pay for me to move. That was unfortunately part of the hiring deal because for whom I work. For both times I paid to move myself, I knew months in advance of the move. [With the second time, it was really a guess that I was going to find a job that most likely was not near where I lived.] Thus, I spent months critically going through my house getting rid of stuff I really did not need or want. Sometimes that was admitting to myself that as much as I loved my grandmother, I really did not need such and such knickknack or other thing she had bought me. I refused to pay to move stuff I really did not need or want. Getting rid of stuff was good. It felt good. My house looked better. Less stuff to dust.

So now here I am in Virginia for almost nine years. (!) I have no plans to go anywhere. I like it here, and I don’t want to move. However, I realize I have somehow accumulated more stuff that I don’t need or want. Over the years I have gotten rid of some stuff. I donated some clothes a few times. I trashed some stuff. But still there is stuff. I want to do a bit of redecorating, but I need to clear some space first.

I think part of the issue is that I realize my tastes change. I wear different types of clothes then I used to. To a certain extent, I dress a little more professionally than when I was a full time student, but also just my tastes have changed. I have never been fashionable, but it simply that my tastes have changed. I wear different types of jewelry than I used to. I don’t like big or really dangly earrings anymore. I also can’t wear big or dangly earrings in the winter because they tend to catch the scarves I am always wearing when it is cold. Even though I still go out to the theater a lot, I tend to go on weeknights straight from work, so I wear work clothes. I don’t get dressed up just for the theater.

Then there are purses. I used to love to have tons of purses that I would change with my outfits. I liked small purses, just big enough for my wallet and a few things. Now I have one medium purse that I use all the time. I need a durable purse that is big enough for a normal sized book, because I always have a book with me. Thus, I realize I have way, way too many purses. Some are just plain too small. Some are too big. Some someone gave me, and it doesn’t quite work for me. Some I just don’t like anymore. Some though I bought not so much to wear but because they are practically works of art. If I have too many of those though, I can’t see or find any of them.

Oh and then the shoes. I have always restricted myself to comfortable shows. I don’t wear high heels. I have a few weaknesses though. However, I walk everywhere now, so shoes really have to be comfortable. Even my dress up shoes need to be comfortable because there will be walking between public transit and the theater.

So it’s New Year’s Day. I have the day off, and I have decided to start the year right by ruthlessly going through my stuff and getting rid of stuff. I am not going anywhere, but I really don’t need this much stuff. It is clutter. It collects dust. It has been somewhat distressing and at the same time cleansing to realize I have 15 purses collecting dust that I have not worn in a very long time or ever. I have nine pairs of earrings that I am never going to wear again. There is other stuff of course, but those are the worst offenders. I am resolving to donate all this stuff to charity this month. Get it out of the house. Someone will probably appreciate the stuff I no longer want.

The bigger and harder resolution though is not collect so much stuff. I think I have started getting better about really questioning myself if I want or need something. Also before buying I try to figure out where it will go. Lately when traveling, I have started to buy fewer but more exceptional pieces when I travel. No more crappy t-shirts and knickknacks but instead a beautiful handmade table runner or pashmina or an original painting.

So there is my New Year’s Resolution: less stuff. Get rid of stuff I have that I don’t want or need. Accumulate less stuff in the future.